Here is a list of further information that we will keep expanding as time allows
Gardens for Wildlife Victoria has a website which explains the principles of wildlife gardening and has extra resources including other publications.
What elements make a garden for wildlife
Gardens for Wildlife – links to other municipalities that have this program
General gardening – Gardening Australia Factsheets
Sustainable Gardening Australia
South Australian native bee site
Corangamite VVP Gardens for Wildlife
Planning a garden in a fire prone area
If you live in a fire prone area, planning for fire may be an important component to consider when creating a wildlife garden. The CFA has published a very handy guide to assist you in your planning link
If you live in an area on the urban fringe or close to bushland or open grassland then you need to be prepared for fire. Bushfire Resilience Inc. has a very informative series of webinars to assist everyone to prepare for fire. link
Wildlife - care of sick and injured wildlife
The Ballarat Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation group was established in July this year by Ballarat wildlife carers and veterinary professionals to respond to the growing need for specialised care of sick and injured wildlife in Ballarat and surrounding areas.
More information view their website BWRAC Facebook Page: Ballarat Wildlife Rehabilitation & Conservation Inc
Record what you see
iNaturalist is a place to record insects, fungi, fauna that you see in your garden. Upload photos, take a guess at what it is and others may help identify it.
Fungi play an import role in the garden. They are not necessarily something to worry about if you see them in the garden. There are some that are poisonous. To learn more view this fascinating fungimap video - A beginners guide to fungi identification
FungiMap – record, map and information about fungi in Australia
Join a local club and learn more about nature
most organisations have a Facebook or Instagram page which have lots of useful ideas
Field Naturalist Club of Victoria Group
Field Naturalist Club Ballarat
Nature Journaling - don't forget to put a seat in your garden and take time to enjoy your space and even take up a relaxing activity like nature journaling.
Take photos of what you see and send some to us, we would love to share them on our social media platforms.
Nearby Gardens for Wildlife Programs
Hepburn Gardens for Wildlife on Facebook
Moorabool Gardens for Wildlife on Facebook, or Website
Our most recent newsletters to members and supporters
2024 Membership Form
Habitat - a practical guide to creating a wildlife-friendly Australian garden by A B Bishop
Grow Wild - Gardening to sustain wildlife in Hepburn Shire by Jill Teschendorff
Many Councils have Gardens for Wildlife booklets - check out their websites