When attracting more native wildlife to our gardens we need to consider our safety and that of the animals
Take care if you use chemicals or poisons they may cause damage to unintended targets e.g. using snail bait may kill lizards, killing caterpillars prevents butterflies forming
Recently there have been changes to the type of bird netting you may use in the garden link
Keep pets under control and cats confined at night - safe cats safe wildlife
Using rat bait has a serious impact on owls and birds of prey. Advice from Birdlife about the dangers of using rat poison
Make sure there is adequate clean water for all the fauna that use your garden, especially in the heat of summer
Make sure small animals won't drown in containers, put a small stick in a water bowl to help insects and frogs get out of the water
Swooping season Native birds swoop humans (and their dogs) to defend their young for the 6-8 weeks between when they hatch and when they leave the nest.
Heat stress in wildlife so provide access to lots of cool water
Be aware of some of the diseases that may spread on footwear. If you visit a local patch of bushland then cinnamon fungus may be brought back into the garden on muddy boots. Clean your footwear before entering and leaving bushland. The same applies to walking around wetlancs, chytrid fungus kills frogs and you don't want to spread it around. Have a stiff brush in the car to clean footwear and spray footwear with a 70% solution methylate spirits and water.
Avoid handling wildlife, if you see injured wildlife notify Wildlife Victoria (03)8400 7300 or 1300 094 535
Spring babies and how what to do if a nestling is on the ground link
Snakes may come into your garden. They are protected species so call a local snake handler if the snake is going to be a problem especially if you have small children or pets. Most bites occur when someone is trying to kill or relocate a snake.