About our program

Gardens for Wildlife Ballarat is working towards being an affiliated member of Gardens for Wildlife Victoria. This state-wide network of community groups and local government partnerships is active in a growing number of municipalities across Victoria. Gardens for Wildlife Ballarat is currently a pilot program run entirely by volunteers and we are looking for partner organisation/s to support our volunteers and expand our program.

Partner organisations would assist and help to develop our volunteer program, offer some paid facilitator hours to recruit, support and train our volunteers, develop connections with other organisations, assist in promotion at community events, apply for grants, help align our program with various local and statewide strategies and celebrate, monitor and share in our progress.

The Gardens for Wildlife Victoria network supports collaboration, connections and well-being alongside environmental objectives. The program celebrates the significant role of individuals and their gardens that contributes to conservation and being connected socially.

The Gardens for Wildlife Ballarat Pilot Program is modelled on the successful Knox Gardens for Wildlife Program. We are currently working with City of Ballarat, the Grampians DELWP, Ballarat Environment Network and volunteers to establish a program. The Ballarat community is invited to participate in this program.

Thank you to Knox City Council, Gardens for Wildlife Victoria, City of Ballarat, DELWP, Ballarat Environment Network and Moorabool Gardens for Wildlife for their assistance in developing this program.

provide a home for lizards

attract more birds

plant local species

Why are we promoting gardens for wildlife?

  • To get more people involved in gardening and more and involved in enhancing the local environment

  • Gardening is good for physical and mental health, meeting neighbours and connecting with locals (people and animals) and learning about nature

  • As more houses are built we are losing native habitat (places that support wildlife) and links to wildlife corridors

  • Gardens and gardeners can make a big difference and already provide habitat

  • We want to support local plant and animal species and provide more habitat for them to move more easily and safely through the environment

  • Tiny birds have been chased away by larger aggressive honeyeaters and need more specialised habitat that we can provide in our gardens.